Attune to Gratitude: Full Moon Despacho Ceremony x Sound Journey

about this event

Would you like to live with more awareness, intention and joy?

Would you like to find gratefulness and calm amidst the chaos and unpredictability?

Would you like sonic waves to wash over you taking you to a relaxed state without complicating how to get there?

Would you like to experience gratitude as a superpower?

Join Cheryl Silva for our monthly gratitude ceremony and sound journey. Let us gather to welcome the new month of March and illuminate ourselves under the imminent full moon.

Together we will . . . create a beautiful offering (Despacho); experience the sound currents of antique Tibetan singing bowls and cetacean energies; amplify the frequencies of gratitude and joy; activate your inner healer.

This month’s focus is strengthening energetic flow to the top of your head (aka crown chakra) to access the gateway to your higher self, connect to universal energy or life force and rock your inner radiance. Each guest will be invited to drink a specially blended tea by Anima Mundi Apothecary and receive a crystal to support the crown energy center.

What is a Despacho Ceremony?

For centuries, the “paqos” – the high shamans also known as the “wisdom keepers” from the Q’ero lineage of Peru have practiced the Ayni Despacho Ceremony. The word Ayni means balance and the Q’ero people believe that when humans are imbalanced, the world reacts to this and becomes imbalanced as well. The creation of an “Ayni Despacho” is like a large Mandala where participants gather sacred objects placed upon a white piece of paper that acts as a wrapping for the gift to mother earth.

The intention of this ritual is to bring the individual, the community into a place of harmony, union and balance with the natural world. Each ingredient is given breath, prayers and the ritual becomes a living prayer.

What is a Sound Journey?

A group sound journey invites participants to lie on the ground and allow themselves to go on a deep inner healing journey. Hold in your field an intention you want to send more harmony into and receive sound and vibrations to guide the way. Cheryl Silva plays overtone-based instruments (antique set of Tibetan singing bowls, tingsha, chimes and rattles) and is intuitively guided to address the collective frequency and needs of the group.

Exchange: $40


Cheryl Silva is a multi-passionate, dynamic and intuitive healer. A former human resources director and social worker, she turned down a promotional opportunity and ventured into uncharted lands to heal herself. Cheryl’s adventures led her to explore the healing arts and travel the world. Her discovery of Tibetan bowls opened the channels to her Higher Power. When we are in deeply relaxed states and our bodies are in harmony, Cheryl believes we all may attune to this inner guidance system. She considers it a privilege to create multi-sensory experiences and hold sacred space for transformation. Cheryl performs singing bowl concerts, creates private ceremonies, and conducts couples and group healing sessions.

Follow her on Instagram @tibetantuneup and find out more at