Free Intro Talk on Vedic Meditation

about this event

Held in-person + via Zoom

The Intro Talk is a free 1-hour lecture and Q&A designed for anyone interested in learning more about Vedic Meditation — a simple, effortless and highly beneficial mantra-based practice that absolutely anyone can learn. Topics will include the technique’s origins, an overview of the mechanics of the practice itself, and its benefits (including reduction of stress and an increase in energy and peace of mind, creativity, productivity, and adaptability).

***A requirement to attend this lecture is to show your face on ZOOM just the same as you would when attending in person at YDM studio. If you do not I cannot let you participate. I need to know who I am speaking to prior to teaching you this practice. Thank you for your cooperation.

Note: time is in Mountain Standard Time, USA, Denver, Co time zone

check your time zone difference…